What is a word? It is a small symbol representing a concept, a name for an act, a thing or other existence that needs a label. The human language is the most valuable asset to man. With words was the world created. With creation, the first man was given the exhortation to label things. Experiences, acts, motivations and every conceivable item and concept got a name. Nothing in creation has evolved more than the human language. Words have grown to embrace the advances in technology, medicine and other scientific endeavors. Even catastrophes have required new terminology. Old concepts are enlarged with the advent of new understandings.

The spirit of righteousness moved within itself and communicated within itself and said “Let there be light!” Thus started existence as we know it; with the creation of communication, or as we call it “The Word”.

God talked within Himself as He enjoyed His creations. With the introduction of the Angels, He could communicate with them and enjoy them. God did not employ the words that we now use but communicated in His own heavenly language. This God-language was the key to the completion of His plan which included Angel Spirits, Mankind and Time. All those who have gone before now know this but we who are still on the path of Time are finding total commitment to God more difficult as Time reaches the pinnacle of evolution and a surplus of knowledge surfaces to confuse mankind. We remaining Angels need all the help we can get to combat the demons’ call, false knowledge and other counterfeit tactics that surround us. God again requires the “Word” to enlighten and guide man. He tells us now while we are still in human form what only the Angels know; He reveals himself!

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