With the development and recognition of The Consciousness – Holy Spirit of God, Eternity became a spirit world. God created many new Conscious Spirits to inhabit Eternity with Him; these new Conscious spirits He called Angels. They grew in love and community, joy and happiness. Their Angel Consciousness allowed for growth so that they could be more like God in understanding existence; but to allow for an ability to evaluate and make choices like God, it challenged integrity. God, too, wanted the Angels to have this comprehensive ability to complete friendship and interchange.

Eternity was filled with this longing for more intimacy with a deeper ability to love and to develop. God the creator came up with a completed plan for all His Angel spirits whereby they could enhance their Consciousness with the two things they needed to be in His image. They needed logic to evaluate and understand and thereby the ability to make choices. God explained His plan to all His spirits in Eternity. This plan He called “Time”. With this plan all Angel spirits would be born into “Time” in the image of God.

With God nothing is impossible and God found a way they could know how to recognize good choices from flawed and detrimental choices. Once a human baby breathed in, a breath of Spirit was incorporated into his Conscious being. As Angel Consciousness was given completeness, the Angel Consciousness now had the full image of God. It was up to the imbedded spirit Consciousness of that Angel to choose with his human attributes that he would by his own choices seek after the righteousness of God or be waylaid by all the built in snares of “Time” and the improper use of the aforementioned ability to evaluate and make the right choice.

If this Angel sought after God and His righteousness in human lifetime, he then was reunited with God in Eternity. In the event that he chose the pleasures of earth life and did not recognize God, then God would not recognize him. As long as a man recognized God and His righteousness, he was under God’s care and at death would return to God; but once a human with all his faculties refused to recognize God or His righteousness as good and believed in his heart that there was no God, then God no longer knew him and that Angel was cast out of all chance for Eternity with God.

This spirit now is a bad spirit, cast off from God and due to never find peace but must spend his future with the world and all its evils with which he had sided. This dark angel or fallen angel becomes part of the many other fallen angels that have the same prognosis. They hang around in the spirit world as part of Satan’s forces. They have demon power connected to the world that surrounds us, above and below. In many forms, they bedevil and tempt all the uncommitted Angels who are still in the world. They hate us vehemently and enjoy afflicting us and attempting to get us to join them in their torment.

It is our privilege as Angels committed to God to reach out to all Angels around us who are uncommitted to God or Satan; to love them and to help propel them to total commitment to God and to guide them to seek after righteousness. God sees to it that every Angel born on earth has a multitude of opportunities to choose God and numerous chances to commit his soul to God unconditionally.

If an Angel (as man) dies before he has totally chosen commitment to God, our merciful God will not cut him off or damn him as long as the man believes and strives for righteousness. If that man has not found God but still may be deep in sin and this man dies, a merciful God takes this Angel spirit at death and does not cast it out but re-uses it as a new human existence giving him another chance at returning to Eternity.

The Time-world today is made up of many re-issued Angels. God is patient and loving to the end. Heaven is full of completed Angels, helping God and mankind. The world we live in is a world of spirits all about us. The demons and Satan’s forces are trying to ensnare us at every turn but God’s complete hosts of Angels are there working one with Him protecting us and watching over us at all times. Trust in God at all times in all things. He and His Angels will deliver you, guide and protect you from all evil. Seek after God and His righteousness. Choose Him in all things and you will see Him in eternity!

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