We don’t often refer to the Super C as the Supernatural C, but that is what the name implies. It is above the natural instincts and understandings of men. It is not easy to reach this plain, and then hold on to it without instruction for God’s approval, but here and there, men have reached out and grabbed pieces and hunks of it, as God would will it for the progression and understandings of men.
When a man reaches out in this way, it leads to discovery and invention, as well as understandings according to God’s time frame. All Sciences are a part of God. His knowledge is being imparted to men on earth when the time is right. This is God’s preprogrammed Computer of Creation working, now transported to the men on earth for the upkeep of the world in the progression of time. This Third Power is the Sub C of God. It is neither good nor bad, just a neutral action carrying out the necessary pattern for our world’s movement in time. It is there to oversee the carrying out of Creation, set into motion at the start of time.
The Super C that man holds within his Conscious abilities can pick up pieces of the wisdom that is God’s. God enlightens men according to his Master Plan. Some men find they may use this supernatural power for extra sensory “knowledge”, and use it in that way. They are often not aware that Satan can enter into their communications and give predictions and directions of his own. Know his voice and exterminate him. Any prediction or direction you receive must be volunteered by God to be true and accurate. Often good men are misdirected by a subversive voice.
It is not in the nature of men to be attuned to his personal Super C. He must seek for it in purity, with a heart full of appreciation and love for God and his fellow man. His motives for using it should be pure and humble. If he becomes sidetracked by self-aggrandizement, public acclaim, profit or other self-serving motives, the counterfeit voice of Satan will enter, and then confuse and distort the good.
One’s Super C is bestowed upon man for his personal use as one of God’s great gifts. It helps man avoid and overcome illnesses and injury. It can be directed to induce healing. It gives us power over Satan and his mental hordes. It volunteers knowledge of the future and the present or past that it wants us to know. It is the overseer of the Sub C. It blesses us with God’s love and peace. It heals us and directs us in life according to God’s will in all circumstances. It gives constant joy and fulfillment. It is the source of spiritual pleasure and love.