We have examined much of the Conscious side of God; this Being we know first hand, and it is with Him that we communicate. We know that He exists in Spiritual eternity. We know we were created in His image.
Each one of our three states of Consciousness is comparable to His own. Being God, the creator, He acts and communicates with His creations. We experience His presence in our own personal Sub-conscious mind complex.
But did God create a Sub-conscious complex of his own during Creation? Is there the undercurrent of a stream of memory to guide, remind, and steer His own plan of continuing Evolution?
Definitely Yes! This Sub C of God was created along with “Time” to keep events moving in their proper order and in their pre-ordained progression. In the Orthotext, this mind-fix is sometimes referred to as “the River of Knowledge, the Third Power, or the Law of Karma”.
This existing flow of automatic power emanates from God toward a final purposeful culmination at the end of time. This pre-ordained string of events is unchangeable in its direction and outcome. All this progression in “Time” of acts, events and knowledge is building toward the end outcome. This can be the outcome of any individual, or the outcome of all Civilization.
This flow of knowledge contains the evolution of thought contained in scientific and mechanical, as well as artistic pursuits; Genetic, Ecologic, and any mental or explorative pursuits or Geological occurrence; everything and anything that ever will enter “Time” is contained in the River of Knowledge that flows parallel with the world we dwell in and is known from the beginning. When the time is right, the action, discovery or invention occurs, moving the current of the river onward.
God’s Sub C is separate from His eternal self, a Time-part of Him. The Eternal Creator is relieved of His Sub C when time runs out.
This river contains more than the Karma of nations. It also contains the Karma of the individual spirit. As the spirit of man works its way through the reincarnation of souls toward God, the undertow of the flow cleanses and transforms him into a cleaned spirit. This flow is relentless and continues until it produces the results God decreed. Through many upheavals of man and planet, all things move back to Eternity from whence it began. Each soul born is a part of this moving river, playing its part until it is gotten right.
All God-actions performed in Creation, create in themselves a re-action, a side effect or “mirror image”. Physics teaches that for every act, there must be a direct re-action. Construction cannot occur without its compliment of Destruction. It is necessary for men to know the negative to appreciate the positive. Sorrow and pain are the absence of happiness and health; peace of mind is the absence of stress. This negative re-action is known as Satan. Semantics aside, it is a very real power in itself. This Destructive Force is second in power only to the great Constructive Force which is author of all. This destructive force is constantly at war with its positive side. This battle can never end. Living souls will need to accept this and do battle always. God has given us many spiritual weapons to do this. He has given us His authority and attributes to do this. He created us in His image. We have like states of Consciousness. We have the ability of “Choice” and “Free Will” to choose according to “Reason” which tempers it. We have an in-born desire to explore and experience our environment (urge for growth). See Chapter 3, Essay 1 – “The Conscious and the Unconscious”.
We cope with Satan by tolerating him and using him. Accept and understand his presence, abilities and purposes; and Yes! God has factored in a wonderful Constructive use for Satan. It works two ways. First, we cannot appreciate the good without knowing the bad. Satan’s temptations are a working tool that we need to grow in spirit. We need its feel and teaching power. It directs and enlarges our growth in the right direction. Second, God uses the mental, physical and emotional suffering that Satan gives us to unfold his love for us and show us how to cope, trust and still love under all distracting obstacles. Satan helps to bring about the good that God would give us. Man must be alert to Satan and tolerate it for the good it can give him as he turns to God for strength and help. God will always show the way.
Accept what you cannot change. Change what you cannot accept. Do what God puts in front of you to do. Your life is His creation and He directs and guides you every step of the way. He turns Evil into good for you if you allow it. Be aware of His motivations within yourself and hold yourself open to His will allowing Him to move you where He wishes you to be. Do what He sets in front of you to do gladly. Successfully complete your personal piece in the puzzle of “Time” as you step out into Eternity.
A life in Time can be rewarding, joyous and truly fulfilling with God always by your side; and with God always by your side, it is just a small pleasant step into Eternity.