God is good. There is no other absolute. Everything else is up to question.
Why? Change is constant in all things. God alone is always the same.
How? He communicates knowledge of His existence to the world of men in all successive time periods, according to the understanding of mankind in that time frame.
God has planned that all men should reach immortality at the end of their earth existence. He must communicate this to man, and also how man should go about it. God needs to inform mankind how he should treat his fellow man and how he should respect his own body and honor his Guardian.
When time was right, God started by choosing one man and building up a communication with him. In time, two great religions would cover most of the world starting with this man. Though at first there was just this man’s family, later there was a nation that came from that man. Then at the right place in time when all was in readiness, God sent a special gift to men to tell them clearly how they should live and also to be an example to them, showing them that earthly death was not final. At this time, documents could be written and saved for future generations.
Other nations and other beliefs know God’s will in different forms. In different ways God stresses love and consideration for other men, respect for one’s own body, and the acceptance of a higher force. The “good” in life is stressed. Some plans are much easier than others. As in years past, some beliefs are still primitive and have a far way to go. Any man, anywhere, can hear the voice of his maker within himself if he is sincerely striving toward goodness.
A man’s body complex is reborn repeatedly until he has achieved that blend of characteristics which propel him into immortality. Each lifetime progresses him in this direction. During each trip, man must constantly overcome “evil” which is trying to lead him into destruction.
God would have all men to be saved, and earthly death is not the same as eternal death. In a small percentage of mankind, evil so destroys a man that he closes his innermost will to see the existence of good. This man is irrevocably committed to eternal death.