The Bible says Satan is a fallen angel. He is not one fallen angel but all the angels from the beginning of “Time” who have lost their way in this time world of pleasure and enticements. Now in the form of demons they attack and oppress us at every turn. From the last eternal death of an angel committed to evil and rejection of God, the horde has built up.
God made His Time World so very pleasing to the man-kind of angel that they no longer felt great love of fellow man, God, and all He had given them. This was not to tempt men, but to train them; for them to use as a learning tool to magnify love, understanding and hope for things to come. With reason and understanding men should be able to pursue the pleasure and goodness of love; by using eyes that see and view through their Subconscious the direction to be taken back to God.
There is constant communication around, and Coincidence is at work for all men to be guided and directed along God’s path. Man should hold open and allow God to lead him. Be mindful of life around you. Listen to the communication of God around you and don’t be overwhelmed and overshadowed by earthly pleasures and temptations.
The Bible as we know it was not created until the world was well in need of God’s help. He oversaw this early time with myth and allegories to cover what they could not understand in words. The truth was told in a way that men could understand. God protected and directed His communication to men in this way; stressing truth and righteousness to His desired end. He kept His word by the use of special men He chose for this purpose. These men are numerous and many are nameless.