How does God show us the way we should go? As we walk life’s path doing what is set in front of us to do and doing it to the best of our ability, how do we know God as Coincidences? Be ever aware, open to what is going on around you, allowing all that you see and hear to register within you.

Your ever-present prayer for leadership, guidance and direction from God is being answered by Coincidental happenings around you. Nothing happens except what God wills to happen. There is no Coincidence except from the participation of God. We need always to be Aware – “A” Open – “O” and Allowing – “A” of God’s presence. (AOA)
Be aware of Time or “timing” because it is an important part of Coincidences too.

Coincidence is never an accidental happening!

Coincidence is clearly motivated by God and orchestrated as He wills it. Every minute happening is programmed to a specific end. It is all part of the whole. The big picture cannot be seen without all the preliminary work. It does not occur of itself, but from many small Coincidences occurring in this world. This was not an arbitrary random occurrence, but a planned creation which was set in motion at the time planned by God. “Seek and you shall find, ask and the door is opened to you.”

All men need to do is see and hear what God presents them with. Few “lucky accidents” happen now, but when Coincidence is moving, men need to take notice.

We now see clearly how God uses Coincidences as a manipulative maneuver with which to create. Every great invention, discovery or scientific breakthrough was given by God to a man who opened his mind and allowed thought activity. This man then grabbed onto an idea given to him of which he had became aware and formulated the idea in many small ways until it had come together in a final creation. As the world was formed everything was built on what went before. Coincidences occurred until the desired result was achieved. Man’s spirit created in the likeness of God, being of His desire and ownership now is used in ingenious ways of Coincidences to continue with creation. Man continues God’s creation according to His plan using the thing that men now call Coincidences to cover a whole concept that cannot be named in any other way.

Do what is put in front of you to do to the best of your ability and always remember “AOA”.

All great things have small beginnings.

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