The Conscious, Sub-Conscious, and the Super-Conscious are all separate but interdependent. We know the Conscious (1) promotes growth, (2) contains reason, and (3) makes decisions or choices. Everything decided on through logic is stored in the Sub-Conscious. The Sub-Conscious is the clearing house of all choices made by the Conscious. Spiritual growth (Super-Conscious) is also acted upon by the Conscious and stored in the Sub-Conscious. The WORD is an important manipulator in both the Sub-Conscious and the Conscious.

The Word sheds light on the Sub-Conscious and exposes the demons that would take residence there with their upsetting feelings of angst and fear; all types of troublesome feelings and unpleasantness which we find so upsetting dwell there. We can free ourselves of these demons by use of the Word. Once we call out its name it can no longer hide and it must leave the light and go back to hide in darkness. Only the Conscious memory of its name remains; no hurtful feelings remain.

Man’s spiritual self, his Super-Conscious or his image of God, loves and comforts the hurt and wounded Sub-Conscious. It tells the Sub-Conscious to be happy, be content, be secure, be healthy, be at ease, be loving, be loved, be selfless, be joyous and all the other “Be”s that are given “Words” that comfort you. Don’t ask or pray for them; they are given to you by God. What do you need to know? or want to be? – Relax and Be! Use self-hypnosis if needed but just be quiet and listen to the word of God you want to hear.

God is always there with you in your Super-Conscious. He knows how you suffer from these demons. He loves and comforts you. Be Happy. He understands your pain and stands ready and waiting with His Word. Grab for His Word; He holds it out. Just practice listening and you can feel that the Word that comes is the right one. Keep trying and remember that sometimes the word may be your own – guilt, shame, remorse, or regret. God knows all – open to Him and be aware of the right Word when it comes. Be serene – Be satisfied – Be comfortable – Be at ease.

When we are “hurting” it is through the Sub-Conscious that we feel the pain of emotion. Our only recourse to feel better is for our Conscious to call to our Super-Conscious and have it reveal the “Word” (Christ) that is stored in the Super-Conscious. Seek and find the word to label the emotion you are experiencing and keep trying until you find just the right word that suits that particular feeling.

It may be the demon of anger, jealousy, hate, sorrow, misunderstanding, or a whole dictionary of words but you must continue on until you find just the one that you need. When you call out the word such as “discontentment” or “betrayal” – as soon as you hit the name the demon is discovered and he cannot stand the light of discovery and he leaves. You no longer “feel” the agony but only the memory of what you were feeling. The Conscious state of your being holds the mind and with its reason, logic and ability of choice it need no longer consciously feel the suffering that demon was giving to you.

There may be more than one demon plaguing you; so if a residue of pain remains, try again and consciously seek the “Word” from the Super-Conscious spirit within you. Let this Super-Conscious power console you and express its love for you and let its understanding of your pain flow over you. Relax and be happy, be refined, be safe, be sure, be loved, and be God’s. The “Word” part of God uses many directives that we can just “be”; just listen to what it is saying to you.

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