God tells us to “seek after Righteousness” and we can have it all! This ability is born in us. With our birth we arrive at Consciousness. This Consciousness has three parts. We have a Conscious (C) so that from our first breath we have the ability to live with an urge for growth, an ability to reason, and an ability to choose. We have a Sub-Conscious (Sub-C) to store experiences and to use these attributes in making choices. We have a Super-Conscious (Super-C) which was created in the image of God back in eternity. God wants us back in eternity with Him and we want to be there too. God has given us everything that we need here in this world to get back to Him. God has given us not only these abilities within ourselves but all things on this earth to help us return to Him. He has given us words and acts of men; he has given us wisdom, care and miracles; and He has given us the wondrous “Jesus Christ Plan” which touches all mankind.
From the first, God has directed us to “Righteousness”. God tells us to seek after Righteousness. It is the act of seeking that enlarges us. We do what God puts in front of us to do. But how do we know what is right? We do our best, but is our best good enough? How do we know? We ask God. We pray and ask God. He will tell us in one way or another. Some have an inner “Yes” or “No” voice, or more. Others need different affirmation to be sure. Are there alternate paths and no clear direction as to which one is best? If there are two or more paths to take and all seem equal, then pick the one that does not honor or ingratiate yourself. Select a path that gives credit to another or glorifies God; that will be the best one. Self-glory belittles the doer from his good act or correct choice. White and black choices are easy. It’s the many hued ones that are hard. Always try for the right choice. Every right choice enlarges the sub-C commitment. Our search for growth is a constant. We use our reason and logic and make right choices. Our sub-C becomes accustomed to these choices and a pattern is formed. We seek the right choices and are committed to this pattern. We are committed to the way of God and the more we see His workings the more we see the righteous path. Our search enlarges and we seek to see more daily. The search for righteousness is in the individual heart. It is not about the individual who gets the solution, but it is about the deed of righteousness itself that is done.