What suffering we humans endure. We love God and profess we are His own, but we learn our lessons in life, the hard way, through pain.
Does a loving God give us pain and hardship to endure? Is this some sort of a capriciousness of His nature? No, we have chosen this pain and suffering and we give it to ourselves when we absent ourselves from allowing Him to care for us. We have made our choices in life with our human desires and senses.
God would not have his own dearly loved people to suffer, but through their own present and past improper choices, they find themselves totally overcome by Satan’s agonizing fear, pain, and prodding barbs of thought. All these unsettling feelings are the result of these people having left themselves opened to Satan’s sugar-coated, sometimes hidden, attractions in the past.
Now God must use this resulting pain and inner angst these souls are suffering to show them their need for Him, and gather them back again, closer to Him. Often we men do not realize just how much we need Him always with us, constantly, in our every day life. Just knowing He is always there is not enough. We need to walk with Him. It is a heavy price to pay when we need the hard reminder of mental confusion, emotional and physical pain to remind us. All this hurting makes us aware of the constant uncertainties of life we face daily. Out of necessity we turn again to God in our complete hopelessness. Satan invariably overlays this pain we are undergoing with a nameless fear and dread, creating in us a tension of near panic. We become desperate with need for a powerful God to ease our possessed body and psyche. We cry for an end to this pain.
God has given us the power to overcome this attack of satanic hysteria. We need only to put Satan in his proper place, and deliver ourselves into God’s healing care with complete trust. His assurance of total inner peace is ours when we open ourselves up to it and relax in His spirit. It surrounds us at all times; we only need to recognize it and accept it. God’s spirit is always ready to cover us with its healing potential when we call on it in our need.