CHAPTER 2, ESSAY 3 – Two Trees

The trees with which our forefathers had to cope were of “Time” and “Eternity”.

The “Tree of Eternity” was nourished by the “River of Knowledge”.  This was the tree of “Life” in the Bible.  All knowledge of things before Time and after Time and through Time was contained in this tree. 

The “Tree of Good and Evil” mentioned in the Bible was the “Tree of Time”.  This was the Tree of the physics law of “Cause and Effect”.  There is an equal reaction to every action.  Man knew only good until his C caused him to test the good.

Man’s C is made up of three parts.  He has “choice”, “reason”, and the “urge to growth”.  This “urge” is composed of the desire to experience, taste, feel and to understand.  Much good is accomplished with this quality in accompaniment with “choice” and “reason”.  When Man ignores “reason” and makes his choice on “urge” alone, great evil can result.  We see this in addiction to drugs, alcohol, sex, food, and power.  Self-gratification has caused more of mankind than Adam and Eve to fall.  


Now we know what the two trees in the Garden of Eden were.  Symbolically, the Garden of Eden was where the trees grew.  Was there a Garden of Eden?  That was the world in which early man lived.  There was no sin because man did not know of sin.  The men that first existed were just animal man.   Until God created Adam, with his superior intelligence, to rule over the world and animals, mankind had no need to know of such things.  When Adam was created he had the three states of Consciousness just as we do today.  How then did this come about?

God in Eternity needed to fulfill his great yearning – “Love”.   He created His wonderful world in Time to house man.  Man was to be His child, His perfect creation.  He evolved His creations over trillions of years.  What is “time” in eternity?  As others have said, a thousand years is but a day in the sight of God.  From each creation He experimented with another, altering DNA and chromosomes until He was satisfied and moved on.  When He had perfected a species that He found good, He then proceeded to the final step.  He introduced an immortal, individual spirit for that man, a spirit like unto God.  Man always carries this spirit with him.  It is part of his Consciousness; it is his Super C.  It dwells with God in eternity and returns back home after it separates from the “Time-body” in death.

Evolution went through several kinds of animal man before the final body was selected. When the first immortal man grew to adulthood, he was alone in his kind.  None of the animal men around him were as he was, in intelligence and capability.  They had the collective Sub C of the other animals and tribal instincts.   He was alone with an individual Sub C and Super C without one of his kind with which to communicate.  No one else had the ability to experience the Spirit communication that he had.  He asked God for another like himself. 

He cohabited with an animal woman and with “his rib” implanted his DNA into her.  He “slept” in unenlightened ignorance until a decade plus a few years later when God presented his own likeness back to him.  When any of his seed was born, God breathed the immortal spirit into the baby with its first breath.  Immortality is a gift of God to any descendant of this line.

Adam and Eve went off to themselves and found the world a wonderful garden.  With their intelligence and reason, and with a Sub C to help, there was nothing they wanted or needed.  In close contact with their spirit they had guidance and nothing to fear.  The world was certainly a wonderful place.  Their super intelligence soon gave special sounds to their contact with objects, places, and various animals.  They gave names to the animals, acts, and the things that they saw around them.  As communication between them grew, so did their experiences.  They communicated with God and enjoyed the spiritual voice.  Over time they expanded their C, and their Sub C grew. 

God gave them answers to any questions they had about time and eternity (the two trees). They knew that eternity was theirs.  They only knew the “good” of time.  They saw only the pattern of life they lived and enjoyed.  They craved more experiences; new tastes, and excitement.  It was just a matter of time until they overrode reason and pushed on to new things.  “Reason” is there for a reason.  It tempers “Choice”.   When the “Urge” is strong, “Reason” holds back the “Choice” until man ignores “Reason”.   Once Adam and Eve overrode their safety valve and gave in to self-gratification, their course was set.  Everything started to go wrong; destruction started to set in.  They became self-serving and nothing went their way.  Their Sub C was confused and their spirit became submerged in the mire of indecision.  They were cold and hungry; they were ashamed. They could not hear God’s guidance clearly as before.  It was painful; they could not go back.  The “tree of eternity” was hidden without God’s communication.  Now they must live only in “time”.  Their life was now a never ending fight between the Creative Force and the Destructive Force which would try to consume them.

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