CHAPTER 2, ESSAY 5 – The Third Power

We have heard much of the two main powers in our realm:  The Constructive Force (God) and the Destructive Force (Satan).  We are familiar with the activities of both. There is a third force about which we do not hear much.

The Third Power is neutral; neither constructive nor destructive.  We might say that it is a window of God’s P. C. (Personal Computer).  In this, He has programmed the concept of Time.  Time automatically proceeds to unfold its program.  This program called “Time” is made from the original Energy Force that we call “God”.  This God directed a part of his Pure Energy to function in this field for a set time and then at a predetermined time to return to Him.

This God-energy being has a great compulsion to love and give of Himself.   Overlaid with this tremendous urge, is a boundless wisdom, coupled with unstinting generosity, but not foolishness.  As in the giving of all love, God enjoys love, acceptance, and recognition in return.   This energy force being “What” and “Who” he is, explains “Why” and “How” we evolved in this world of tangible energy.   

This Computer-like third power has now reached the time when its programming is starting to run out.  Time had to progress to this millennium for mankind to advance in understanding so that he could see clearly what past analogies have presented to him as forerunners of the ultimate truth.  We needed the Bible with its religious history of myths, legends and other empathetic stories to lead the way.  We needed to trust in unexplained mysteries, stay in touch with important intangible truths, which we could understand in no other way.    Under the guidance of God we were brought forward in obedience by the discipline of the Ten Commandments.  Our moral and spiritual growth was later advanced with new understandings.  A human being, not unlike ourselves, showed us by his example and spoken word how we should act and believe.  He was a vehicle for God’s communication to us (the Word).  As part of that divine energy, he made his stay in time memorable.  As planned, this occurred at a place in time when it now could be recorded. 

This was all programmed into the time computer.   It all occurred at the appointed time.  Now with the world festooned in miraculous advancements, the Word appears and is active again.    At the “end of time” when new ecology issues show us the open doors of world destruction, some chosen men will “see” with internal eyes, a new and final disintegration of the world energies as time runs out.  There is a season planned for everything.  The “Word” has new dispensation.  As the invention of the Printing Press was a forerunner of the “Gutenberg Bible”, today we have the World Wide Web of the internet.

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