CHAPTER 2, ESSAY 7 – For The Traditional Christian Only

This analogy of God may startle your Biblical Faith, but it is never contrary to it.  This is just another way that God moves man toward Himself in Eternity.  Many men do not see the “heart” of the Bible because of the myths and parables God sets forth to impart His plans and intentions for the world.  His loving and caring is evident as He watches over mankind through the ages.  He picks special people throughout time, prepares them, and uses them to progress His plan according to their place in Time.  Do not be waylaid by individual historical stages and people.  God is constantly helping this world of men; nudging them in the direction they should go.  He gives advice to men on how to more easily understand His will for them; and more importantly, how to see, understand, and overcome Satan.  Although much is written in the Bible about the Devil and his hordes of evil powers, along with the destruction that they cause, Satan still dwells in much darkness of knowledge and ignorance.  Here he lies in wait for the unwary.  He is ever ready with his counterfeit advice, trying to convince unsteady but sincere mankind in his choices of right and wrong.  Satan does his best work in the cover of darkness; he does not want to be exposed in the light of knowledge.

Test all that you read to see if it be of God.  In the Bible there is an answer for everything.  The compiled stories, histories, and admonitions come directly from God through man and work together to give credence to His plan.   A “Greater Truth” does not have to be historically true to be accurate.  The semantics of God are holy and should not be tampered with.  It is the first food of childhood, or the childhood of Mankind.  When the child grows past childhood, he is given meat.  When men need meat for growth, it is ready.  That does not mean that the pap that the baby was fed was not nourishing.  To the contrary, it gave him great strength and health to grow on.

As medical sciences have progressed, much of the human body is laid open to us.   We see and understand the functioning of the heart and other organs.  Knowing how they work in no way lessons the miracle of life.  On the contrary, it shows us the beauty of the complexity of life and all the planning that went into it.  In the past we learned how to care for our bodies and what was constructive or destructive to them by trial and error, not by understanding their complexity.  Does this make them any less wonderful?  Today we can appreciate life in greater detail.  Should we expect less of the Spiritual side?

This heart of the early physical Man was mysterious, and fable enshrouded, but it beat just as strong and kept him just as alive as the heart of today’s Man, which we know enough about now even to transplant.

This “heart” of the Bible that we love, that kept us alive spiritually, beating with healthy life through all these years, and before, beats today with new vigor in the Orthotext.

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