CHAPTER 1, ESSAY 9 – Angels

Guardian Angels are ministering spirits sent forth from God to serve, for the sake of those who are to obtain salvation. Often they are the former loved ones of the men they serve. They are individuals with the soul that they once carried on earth, now purified and dedicated to God. They are one with God. Their Super C has returned home. It brings with it all good and happy memories of its Sub C existence on the earth plane. There is no longer any need for “Choice” or “Reason” or “Growth” (which will be discussed in later chapters). The complete being resides in what once was his Unconscious. He lives in fulfilled excitement and joy as he identifies with, and oversees the productive lives of others whom he loves. Our Guardian Angel rejoices with us as we overcome life’s challenges.

This Angel serves God by nurturing its charges here on earth. By communicating through their like Super C to man’s Super C, man is manipulated in the direction that he should go for his most personal good. In this way man is exposed to numerous thoughts, words, intuitions, emotional feelings, good pressures, confidence and promptings to avoid evil so that man is propelled in the direction man’s Sub C should move. Direct Sub C bodily communication from the Super C helps the body avoid injury and accomplish mental feats. All this works, not only on the individual man, but on the men about him, to accomplish his personal, harm-free and successful environment.

The more that a man holds himself open to this internal loving dialog, the more his Guardian Angel can guide him. To benefit from the care of your Angel, you need to accept his ministering love, and love in return. Reject the negative thoughts that Satan uses to clog up this open passageway to God.

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