Category Archives: The New Orthotext Book I

EPILOGUE, ESSAY 1 – The Sub-Conscious of God

Posted in Epilogue |

We have examined much of the Conscious side of God; this Being we know first hand, and it is with Him that we communicate.  We know that He exists in Spiritual eternity.  We know we were created in His image. … Continue reading

EPILOGUE, ESSAY 2 – Concerning the Three Conscious States of God

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The Conscious state of God as we know Him exists only in “time”.  He allows us to know him by understanding our own three (3) states of Consciousness as we were created in His image. As Creator, Communicator, and Spiritual … Continue reading

EPILOGUE, ESSAY 3 – Reason for the Orthotext

Posted in Epilogue |

This book is to help any man find his relationship to God, to himself, and to all mankind. The reason for the Orthotext is first to complete and enlarge you individually.  God wills also the bringing together in love of … Continue reading

Ultimate Prayer

Posted in Epilogue |

Oh God of time, space and eternity Be with me always; Overlook my misconduct And renew me with fresh resolve to please you; Make me immediately aware of Satan so that I can delete him And step over him; Give … Continue reading

CHAPTER 4, ESSAY 1 – Eternal Body

Posted in Chapter 4: Expansion |

We humans can be so trite.  Why do we worry about our human body being a part of us in Heaven?  We will not need it to feel, see, hear, smell or taste.  The Sub C will no longer be … Continue reading

CHAPTER 4, ESSAY 2 – Voices

Posted in Chapter 4: Expansion |

Not everyone is privileged to progress as far as the “Voices Stage”, but many are. Most students are able to reach the Super C by using the “Yes and No” stage quickly by use of finger, pendulum, or other self-hypnotic … Continue reading

CHAPTER 4, ESSAY 3 – Glorified Body

Posted in Chapter 4: Expansion |

In the hereafter, each Super C will be shared by several Glorified beings.  Just as God the Father and God the Son share the same Spirit of the Holy Ghost, so do our several life experiences share the same Super … Continue reading

CHAPTER 4, ESSAY 4 – Asking Questions

Posted in Chapter 4: Expansion |

After one has progressed through self-hypnosis and the subconscious morass that follows, with the clearing out of the Sub C and its interfering hangs ups, one is fairly adept with the “20 question game”.  The answer comes with nearer to … Continue reading

CHAPTER 4, ESSAY 5 – Reincarnation

Posted in Chapter 4: Expansion |

“One man in his time plays many parts”.  Shakespeare could have been talking about Reincarnation.  We, each one of us play the part of many people in many different time frames. Our first lifetime is that of a spiritual baby; … Continue reading

CHAPTER 4, ESSAY 6 – Supernatural C

Posted in Chapter 4: Expansion |

We don’t often refer to the Super C as the Supernatural C, but that is what the name implies.  It is above the natural instincts and understandings of men.  It is not easy to reach this plain, and then hold … Continue reading