Category Archives: The New Orthotext Book I

CHAPTER 4, ESSAY 7 – Confucianism

Posted in Chapter 4: Expansion |

God gave His important and saving “word” to mankind through this blessed and talented man.  For well over 2000 years this wise and wonderful collection of “words” presented by Confucius was the proper way men had to proceed in order … Continue reading

CHAPTER 4, ESSAY 8 – Hindu Brother

Posted in Chapter 4: Expansion |

This is for those who are well acquainted with the tenets of the Orthotext.  It concerns a concept of the basic Hindu religion and how “our” God leads them, even as He leads us.  As one of a confirmed religious … Continue reading

CHAPTER 4, ESSAY 9 – Islam

Posted in Chapter 4: Expansion |

This faith has one of the largest followings in the world.  Along with the Judeo-Christian group, more than half of the world is in this group.  Although the peoples and cultures differ greatly, the faiths are similar and share a … Continue reading

CHAPTER 4, ESSAY 10 – Multi-faiths

Posted in Chapter 4: Expansion |

The Orthotext is a unification, or a bringing together of all great Religions.  Great Religions such as Judaism, Hinduism, Islam, Confucianism, and Christianity are all as one under One God. He created us all and sent special messengers to each … Continue reading

CHAPTER 3, ESSAY 1 – The Conscious and Unconscious

Posted in Chapter 3: Practical Approach |

When men lose consciousness or are asleep, there are still two separate states of consciousness awake and in working order.  They are the Sub C and the Super C.  These are the abbreviations we are using for the Subconscious state … Continue reading

CHAPTER 3, ESSAY 2 – Workings of the Unconscious

Posted in Chapter 3: Practical Approach |

How does the Sub C work to enhance your wisdom so that you can make the proper choice?  It has been created within you to help you find eternity.  It knows what you feel and everything that you have done, … Continue reading

CHAPTER 3, ESSAY 3- Ultra Consciousness through Self-hypnosis

Posted in Chapter 3: Practical Approach |

The state of Ultra Consciousness for which we aim, is sometimes discovered in Transcendental Meditation.  It may also be reached in several other ways.  One of the easiest and quickest ways to arrive at this state of Ultra Consciousness is … Continue reading

CHAPTER 3, ESSAY 4 – Ultra Consciousness, Part Two

Posted in Chapter 3: Practical Approach |

Now that you have reached your Sub C through self-hypnosis, you see the potential power that you carry within yourself.  Now the time is ready for two-way communication.  You speak to your Sub C just as before. Explain to it … Continue reading

CHAPTER 3, ESSAY 5 – Ultra Consciousness, Part Three

Posted in Chapter 3: Practical Approach |

When you have built up a fluent association between yourself and your Sub C and it is functioning smoothly, it is time to think about going to the next step.  That step is communication with the third part of yourself.  … Continue reading

CHAPTER 3, ESSAY 6 – Three Aspects of the Super C

Posted in Chapter 3: Practical Approach |

We have spoken of the Super C of man.  This wonderful, spiritual side of man is truly one with God.  This is the part of man that was made in God’s image.  It has the same attributes that God has, … Continue reading