Category Archives: The New Orthotext Book I

CHAPTER 3, ESSAY 7 – Predestination

Posted in Chapter 3: Practical Approach |

So often men say “What difference does it make what I do as everything is already programmed into life? Why should I worry about exerting myself to be “good” if everything is already preordained?  Why can’t I just let my … Continue reading

CHAPTER 3, ESSAY 8 – On Healing, Part 1

Posted in Chapter 3: Practical Approach |

God’s ways are mysterious ways, and he will not be dictated to by Satan or any of Satan’s persecutions of his people.  God resolves our helplessness, and he gives us power according to his own way. When you are in … Continue reading

CHAPTER 3, ESSAY 9 – On Healing, Part 2

Posted in Chapter 3: Practical Approach |

With takeoff on death The Sub C cannot help man with age progression or congenital problems.  These are in-born, inherited characteristics.  They have been programmed into each man’s future.  In addition, there are also the built-in afflictions of Karma.  These … Continue reading

CHAPTER 3, ESSAY 10 – Eucharist

Posted in Chapter 3: Practical Approach |

Eucharist, the Lord’s Supper, Communion; this sacrament has many names.  It is a true communication between God and men.  It does not need the traditional elements of bread and wine, they were given by God to help a man understand … Continue reading


Posted in Chapter 2: Development |

What is man’s soul?  We hear about this “soul” often.  Where is it, can we put our finger on it?  A man’s soul is the sum total of all his feelings, motivations, desires, animosities, loves, ambitions, abilities, talents, and more.  … Continue reading

CHAPTER 2, ESSAY 2 – Seeing

Posted in Chapter 2: Development |

Seeing is not necessarily an act of the eye.  We perceive with the mind; we understand with the ear; some of us need sign language to hear and others need the feel of the hand when the eyes are poor … Continue reading

CHAPTER 2, ESSAY 3 – Two Trees

Posted in Chapter 2: Development |

The trees with which our forefathers had to cope were of “Time” and “Eternity”. The “Tree of Eternity” was nourished by the “River of Knowledge”.  This was the tree of “Life” in the Bible.  All knowledge of things before Time … Continue reading

CHAPTER 2, ESSAY 4 – Other Spirits

Posted in Chapter 2: Development |

There are many spirits other than those of man.  Have you ever been on a mountain top or stood alone in the majesty of a sequoia forest?  Have you loved an animal or felt the warmth of “home” from a … Continue reading

CHAPTER 2, ESSAY 5 – The Third Power

Posted in Chapter 2: Development |

We have heard much of the two main powers in our realm:  The Constructive Force (God) and the Destructive Force (Satan).  We are familiar with the activities of both. There is a third force about which we do not hear … Continue reading

CHAPTER 2, ESSAY 6 – Ecstasy

Posted in Chapter 2: Development |

“In the beginning was the Word….and the Word was God.” John 1:1 The Word was originally instigated by an unselfish energy Force while creating a domain for His spirit-man. The Word was important for the directing of His energies toward … Continue reading