Category Archives: The New Orthotext Book I

CHAPTER 2, ESSAY 7 – For The Traditional Christian Only

Posted in Chapter 2: Development |

This analogy of God may startle your Biblical Faith, but it is never contrary to it.  This is just another way that God moves man toward Himself in Eternity.  Many men do not see the “heart” of the Bible because … Continue reading

CHAPTER 2, ESSAY 8 – Physical Pain

Posted in Chapter 2: Development |

Pain can be an imminent thing, or it can be a future fear. Pain and Fear are intertwined.  Where you find one, you find the other.  Dissect “Pain” and you will find a large proportion of it is fear:  fear … Continue reading

CHAPTER 2, ESSAY 9 – Mirror Image of God

Posted in Chapter 2: Development |

Never was it so clear.  Not since “Eden” has Eternal Life been so visible.  God didn’t need to explain to man that he should choose to eat from the “Tree of Life” if he wanted to live eternally.  That knowledge … Continue reading

CHAPTER 2, ESSAY 10 – Satan is a Blessing

Posted in Chapter 2: Development |

We know that Satan did not just happen.  He is a deliberate creation of God.  How boring and fruitless our life would be without him to spice things up.  His presence keeps the mind active and thinking at all times.  … Continue reading

CHAPTER 1, ESSAY 1 – Beginning of Time

Posted in Chapter 1: Concepts |

Genesis Chapter 1, verse 1. In the beginning, God created heaven and earth. Second Timothy Chapter 1, verse 9 & 10. This grace was given us in Christ Jesus before the beginning of time, but it has now been revealed … Continue reading

CHAPTER 1, ESSAY 2 – One Absolute

Posted in Chapter 1: Concepts |

God is good. There is no other absolute. Everything else is up to question. Why? Change is constant in all things. God alone is always the same. How? He communicates knowledge of His existence to the world of men in … Continue reading

CHAPTER 1, ESSAY 3 – The Karma of God

Posted in Chapter 1: Concepts |

God took on the Karma of the whole world. In his earth-form He suffered the result of the wickedness of the past, present and future misdeeds of all these men that He had created. Through His suffering He removed the … Continue reading

CHAPTER 1, ESSAY 4 – Death versus Eternal Death

Posted in Chapter 1: Concepts |

Ordinary death is the separation of the conscious body from the unconscious. This is an everyday occurrence. Eternal death as stated in the Bible is the separating of the spirit from God! Eternal life is the reuniting of the spirit … Continue reading

CHAPTER 1, ESSAY 5 – Dreams

Posted in Chapter 1: Concepts |

Often Satan uses man’s waking insecurities against him by bringing them up in dreams. He uses symbols that have emotional impact on him. Man’s Sub C is available to Satan when man sleeps just as his C is available when … Continue reading

CHAPTER 1, ESSAY 6 – Intense Suffering

Posted in Chapter 1: Concepts |

What suffering we humans endure. We love God and profess we are His own, but we learn our lessons in life, the hard way, through pain. Does a loving God give us pain and hardship to endure? Is this some … Continue reading