CHAPTER 4, ESSAY 2 – Voices

Not everyone is privileged to progress as far as the “Voices Stage”, but many are.

Most students are able to reach the Super C by using the “Yes and No” stage quickly by use of finger, pendulum, or other self-hypnotic means.  What is important is that one reaches the God-spirit in one’s self to converse with the Spirit of God directly.  Your Super C is the intermediary between you and God and facilitates this.

When your spirit speaks to you, it speaks as God’s direct contact.  Learn to know its true voice.   It may be speaking to you, even as your finger moves in answer.  The sound of your “inner voice” is the sound of your own physical voice, as if you were hearing it from a distant place. With your eyes shut you could recognize the voice of your wife, husband, friend or relative with no problem.  This is the same thing.  Be sure it is your voice!

Before you reach your Super C spirit, you think with only two voices: your Conscious and your Sub C voice.  When Satan enters your Thought process, he enters through the door of the earthly Sub C.  All your memories and the decisions made in your C state dwell here.  When you recognize your personal voice within, it is identical with your spirit voice.  It speaks to you with only truth.  It is very important to remember that this voice alone is directed by God.  You hear it as if it is recorded and played back to you.

Be very sure that you learn to recognize your own voice!  This is the Devil’s last strong hold.  Just as he has to be constantly put down and weeded out in your “yes” and “no” question and answer communication, (by checking any doubtful answer asking “is this you speaking Super C?”  Then not accepting the statement until a definite Yes has been given), one must be careful here.  Here too does Satan try to throw you into doubt by using voices of his own machinations through the open doorway to your Sub C.

He has no voice of his own, but uses voices that you have heard previously in the past. Often this voice will be the voice of a friend, relative, or someone near to you whom you trust or admire.  When you recognize a voice other than your own, beware.  Sometimes shrewdly Satan has this voice start out in mid sentence speaking synchronized with your own, and then if you are not aware it will take off on its own telling you pleasing but untrue things.  Again, KNOW your own speaking voice’s sound and you cannot be misled.  This was the downfall of Joan of Arc; she did not realize the only right voice was always her own voice.

The Devil cannot mimic your own voice to trick you.  Your voice is the voice of your Super C and it has the power of God in it, it is connected with God and Satan cannot invade God’s territory.  Your voice is your own peculiar thing and forever individualistic.  It belongs to you alone and will remain as “you” in this form throughout all eternity.  This Super C voice is immortal along with its embodiment, your Super C, and will exist forever in the glorified Body that God prepares for us.

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