Although Righteousness has always and will always exist, it was brought into being by Consciousness. With the awareness of itself, it became a being, and used this awareness of self when it formed man into existence, first as an associate Angel spirit and later as a human being (or Consciousness) when Time was created to add dimension to the being of man.
Existence took on the form of a being with the awareness of Consciousness. The existence of Righteousness was now confirmed. In our present form as a human being we are able to identify readily with the existence of Righteousness. In God’s plan for Time, He used this quality to identify Righteousness to man in a way that man would understand. With Conscious awareness of existence God became a being. God is Righteousness!
The force of Right existed forever in Eternity. This force of Righteousness now is the Law of the World. It is the ultimate goal that we strive for. It directs the Constructive Force and guides mankind.
This Force of Righteousness is a spiritual law comparable to the Law of Gravity on earth. This law supersedes all laws that exist. It is stronger than the Law of Gravity but known by fewer men. This law of spiritual physics is the goal of all Angels who trek upon earth.
This Force of Righteousness has been placed here by God under different names and expressions and is available to men wherever it can be found. The Christian searches after Righteousness as does the Buddhist, Hindu, or Indian. This is God’s directive plan – That all men find Righteousness with Him and align themselves with pure love of goodness itself and with God.