When God became tired of exploring Eternity, He felt His aloneness and wished for companions to share His surroundings. Of Himself, He created other beings with which to associate. By use of His “Word” He enjoined the Spirit to move. His act of creation was completed by communication to His acting Spirit. The Father Creator and the Son Communicator moving the acting Spirit is how creation occurs. God created spiritual beings He called Angels to dwell with Him in Eternity and He filled the Heavens with beings whom He could love and who would love Him in return. These Angels were His children and they became a close knit family surrounded by love and ministering one to another. This love grew and they worshiped God and wished they could do more for Him to please Him. They knew that God had made them to love and minister unto Him because they had no choice in their actions. They would have chosen to worship and love God if they could have chosen on their own to do so. God knew he too would have loved to have them worship by free choice instead of having no alternative but to worship. God’s Angels clamored about Him pleading for a chance to prove themselves and be able to give God all that He deserved; so as the Creator, they pleaded with Him to create a way to accomplish this.

As a father who loved his children deeply and wanted to give them whatever they wanted, God came up with a plan he called “Time”. He would create a temporary dwelling place for them where they could at great effort prove themselves and with their own free will choose God as their true Father. God told them this would not be an easy thing to do as their world would have many things pleasurable to their human bodies and senses. They would have to choose over these joyful pleasures and make their way to love God foremost. All they had to do was choose God and His ways and place God first in their lives and then they could return to Him and their place in Eternity. There they would be like Him with all His abilities. This sounded like a simple plan to them and they joyously watched as the world was constructed with all types of growing things pleasant to the eye as well as to the other human senses. A human body was created for each Angel spirit; and as it was born, God placed in it the spirit of an Angel. Bodies were created for all of God’s spirits in heaven. God did not want any Angel to perish, so if upon death in this world an Angel had not yet chosen God above worldly things, he would be able to choose another body and try again. God would not have any Angel perish but that all would be saved. Still some of His Angels could not resist the pleasures and vices that “Time” had to offer. As each life span started, the Angel started with the same spiritual maturity with which the last one ended. Some deluded Angels became so involved in the world life after life that they lost their immortality; by not only ignoring God but by denying God by their free choice. They chose to repudiate God and say “I know you not”. Only by denying God by man’s own choice is a soul damned forever to be only of this earth and therefore that means part of “Time” itself. So that soul, upon its earth death, becomes an evil spirit who is released into the world to wander about and plague others as it is no longer a part of heaven and eternity. God no longer recognizes that spirit as a part of heaven.

When we as infants are born on earth, we have everything that we need to return to God. We are born in His image and have consciousness present. This consciousness has the “Urge to Grow” toward God and “Reason” to direct this urge to grow. We also have the all important “Ability to Choose”. We have the free will to do what we will to do and God gives every man according to his being all the help that he needs to follow instincts that his Sub-Conscious presents. God gives practice hints and pleasurable helps along life’s way, as well as unpleasant and painful helps. The latter push us to God for help and we often get the most assistance in finding God through sickness, emotional pain and mental fears and upsets (PEMP – Physical, Emotional and Mental Pain). We see God in many guises and witness Him at every turn of our lives. He presents himself on a daily basis. Open your eyes and see.

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