We, as the original Angels in God’s heaven, wanted to be able to chose God on our own to worship and praise. God wanted this. He loved us so much that He devised a plan to make this come true. He created Time and made us human souls to live in His world and learn to be “like-Gods” to Himself.

On earth we were exposed to His plan for us with our first realization of Consciousness (three parts). With our Consciousness we went through life with the urge to grow and know more; developing our reason and making choices. God put in front of us all that we needed to know for the place and time in which we lived. We had natural instincts, such as survival instincts. Many of us sought more from the beginning and founded or followed organized religions, which helped us become aware and make good choices.

If we, at the end, choose God and His ways, we return to Him in eternity forever. If not, we keep repeating life until we get it right. God gave us help by coming to earth in two ways. First as Christ, the “Word”, in a human body to speak the Word and communicate God to us. Christ promised then to return at the end of Time and reveal Himself to us. He would reveal all about who He was and why He did what He did and what He was going to do and all other answers to our questions.

It was promised that we would be surprised and overwhelmed by the time and manner of the second coming of the Word. This second communication coming from the mouth of God unveils Himself as well as His plans. Armageddon is starting with this second coming. Besides gradually showing Himself to us, He tells us now of the image of Himself in which He made us. This is a “last-ditch” effort to gather all His angels back into His fold.

We now see God’s “tough-love” and His use of Satan, who is God’s “automatic nervous system”. Satan is a built-in reflex of the Almighty’s plan that causes pain. This is evident in P.E.M.P. (Physical, Emotional and Mental Pain). We need to see the blessings of God in our lives. We experience this pain in order to prompt us, teach us, and inform us of the way we need to go. This pain is the backside or reverse side of God who created everything that is made and all is good.

Pain is one of the biggest blessings God has given us but we often ignore it and see it as evil; it is not. Pain is tailored to suit the individual to direct him in the right way and pain often increases until man learns his lesson. How we handle pain is a great part of our life in ensuring our outcome. Suffering builds character and a strong spirit. It brings us closer to God and understanding life. Pray and thank God for your pain and the compassion for others it gives you.
We have the discretionary power to delete Satan with the power delegated by God. Of course there are man-made spirits and demons of this earth, above and below, that usurp and use power to cause pain. You have the authority of God within yourself to delete these demons by the Word. The power over demons and evil spirits, God gives you freely. It works quickly. Do not mix up good and evil; they use the same channels but by their acts you will know them.

At Time’s end (Armageddon)ess, pain will escalate. Man is pushed harder to make his choice for God above self and all else. But the harder God pushes, the more compassionate and loving He is; quick with consolation and love. Just put your trust in Him and do what is put before you to do. Rely on the Lord always and pray for guidance and help. He will never forsake you. Accept His help to find the right way.

There are great rewards in Heaven. He will care for you and will love you. He will protect you with His perfect power. He suffers greatly when you are in pain as only a loving parent can. He must follow the rules of Time and Eternity that He has put in place. He loves you and awaits you in His Mansions to dwell. Chose your path well. God awaits.

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