God promised He would come again at the end of Time and we would understand and know (see) Him as He truly is. We not only will see God but we also will see Satan as he is and not in fear but with knowledge and understanding. We can view his antics objectively and see how pathetically he acts to protect his pride as he goes down in defeat.

The hate and vengeance he spews on us in his frustration is as effective as a small child hitting back at the wind because it blows his toys about. When we feel Satan hit on us, we can remove him by our command. Never talk to Satan; ignore him or command him to desist, cease, stop, go or whatever is needed in each situation. He hates disdain. We see his furry and move on. With the light of knowledge there is no fear; as fear lies in darkness and the unknown. He no longer has that power.

Satan is always around us and his Hades constantly perplexes us. We make our own existence miserable because of fear of this entity and the havoc he can cause us. Fear itself is Satan. He turns it against us to suit himself. We only need to turn our attention upon him and directly command him to desist. He will try nameless other tactics to distress us repeatedly.

To conquer him we need to understand that he too is a spirit and we use our spiritual powers to recognize him. Be conscious of him and take power over him by using AOA (Aware, Open, and Allow). Don’t fear thinking about him but access him objectively in an open manner. Recognize his actions and delete him. Be aware at all times of what he is trying to do; repeatedly repress and delete him as you become aware of how he is trying to manipulate you.

Know and study well his many ways of afflicting you. Satan is yours to command. See him as the counterfeiter he is, and all his other manipulations. Only by knowledge and wisdom from God can you avoid him. Allow him to go his way and recognizing that this too is part of God’s plan for life on earth and we cannot change the scheme of things.

When Satan and his demons are viewed gently and without fear, we can knowingly delete them when encountered. Don’t be encumbered by fear, guilt or personal issues when he uses this to attack upon you. This is not God! If you are contrite and have the mind-set of pleasing God in the future, recognize that this is an overt ploy of Satan.

Study how Satan works best with you and avoid his antics. Being aware of this helps you to overcome and ignore his deviltry. When Satan attacks he does not do it gently, but with great force from all directions. When he hates, it is with vicious passion and outpouring of evil all about you. Many little irritations surround us as well as larger attacks.

He will try to circumvent God so stay focused and let God lead, guide and direct you according to His will. Be aware of Satan in all things. PEMP (Physical, Emotional, and Mental Pain) runs rampant.

Don’t avoid looking at Satan. Be open to his constant pressure in everything around you. He walks about as a lion looking to devour you. Always be Open to this. Be Aware of his presence in your life and Allow the power God had given you to delete him. Never talk to Satan but command him to go. God always has the last word.

Be ever aware and view Satan as he is. Don’t be afraid to view him. He flees from light and lies in darkness and fear. View him objectively and fear him not. His power is limited to the unknown darkness and fear. Study his habits and ways without fear or anger, but in the light as God leads you. Always be aware of Satan around you and open to the knowledge of his attacks on you but with an allowance for your ability to delete him by command.

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