The complete God is one God, a circle of construction and destruction. The original parent God of love and creation is also the God of destruction, the God of growth through learning by pain. The back-side of God, is Satan; not the demons that man has created by its own evil actions to destroy us, but the learning process that is necessary to the formation of reason. Life is not purposeful without “choices” based on firm choices from reason. To develop properly, reason needs discipline to shape it. In His perfect plan for a universe in which to teach His beloved Angels how to chose well, discipline was the most important element; therefore it was necessary to create the force we call Satan, or the other side of God.

In the heavens of Eternity, God was all love and was the giving parent to us, His Angel children. He gave us everything He could that would make us happy. We in turn felt the same fierce love for Him. We knew He wanted to be chosen by us just as He had chosen us for His own. We clamored for the ability to give Him ourselves by our own choice and free will, just as He had done for us, His Angel children. In His intense love for us, and to please us, He created a plan whereby we could chose Him with all our love forevermore.

This plan He called TIME and it had certain rules by which it was bound. At the end of Time every Angel would have completed its stay in this zone and have been given opportunity to chose God with reason. God gave men-Angels discipline to help inform reason so that a full-knowledge man could form his ultimate choice for God. God still leads men by love, help and leadership, but He added to that the sting of discipline when man strayed too far from the course he should take. Physical, Mental and Emotional Pain (PEMP) would occur to man as a learning tool to show him he had erred.

This is the most important feature of Time. We do not like to think of our loving God as a disciplinarian but a loving father teaches us out of love for us and for our future good. He suffers with us as we suffer, but these are the rules set by Time and He must abide by them. This side of God we need to accept, even if we do not love God for this pain, we need to understand and tolerate His ways for our ultimate good. Satan is a part of God and the two cannot be separated. It is the perfect balanced force which is the necessary in the creation of Time. An Angel is born into time with no memory of his life with God in Eternity. Now at the beginning of Time’s end Christ (Word) must come again to contact God’s Angels and remind them of their desire to chose God.

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