Every man is born with the knowledge of Righteousness within himself.
This book is written so that man may make contact with the Righteousness within himself, that which we have named God. God created “Time” as a vehicle to transport His beloved souls (us) back to Him for all Eternity. We original Angels needed this “Time Experience” to purify us and make us god-like in this time-life so we learn to make good choices using reason, growth urge, and choice. We choose Righteousness and God’s way over our own physical, mental and emotional wants and desires. This perfect plan God created for us so that we can learn is what we humans call “Time”. This is a perfectly constructed plan that God improvised in order to teach us all that we need to know. God stands ready to help us in every way. We need only go to Him in prayer and with the Word he has given to us. The most important part of God is the Word. To every nation, God has given “words” through spiritual men that will help us find Him and Eternity. This communication from God to man through words is everywhere. Man need only to use his urge for growth along with reason and make choices according to the Righteousness he carries within. This is the Super-Conscious that is part of every man and with the Conscious mind he makes choices and stores those “words” and actions within his Sub-Conscious, so that he can learn and grow. This is an integral part of the growing process; righteousness communicates (Word) with us and moves us to act by spirit movement. The embodiment of mind, spirit, and communication is our mentor and originator. We needed to be perfected to make Eternity the place of eternal joy that God intended it to be when He created it for us earth-Angels with perfect love.
God devised “PEMP” (Physical, Emotional and Mental Pain) to help us when we move away from Him and need to return to Him with an earth solution. With PEMP, He keeps us near to Him and keeps us learning. We are now entering the final phase of our existence. The remaining souls experiencing life on earth are being hard-pressed to accelerate their growth for the end of Time. Our children and grand-children will find existence more difficult as years unfold and the world we know now unravels. God exposes His plan and explains His acts to a generation that can see and understand His Words and motives. God promised our forefathers before us that He would come again to earth and man would see Him and know Him as He really is. Now we see!