CHAPTER 1, ESSAY 7 – Harmony

“A soft answer turns away wrath.”

When one discerns aggression projected toward himself from another person, either by act, word, or thought, the feeling of animosity rises within him. Whether the situation is just or unjust, the domination of Satan is evident.

If the situation is such that one perceives that possibly some fault may lie within his own viewpoint, an unbiased discussion of the subject is needed. Proceed using an open-minded examination of both sides of the question, expressing a demeanor of loving humility, hoping for an agreement or a tolerant understanding. Satan wants to spew his angry discord from one man to another, thereby destroying harmony between men. Do not let him do this. By striking one man with another’s temper in word, act, or spiteful dissent, Satan enters into the repartee and multiplies a building aggression. For if one man answers back in pique, his verbal abuse upon the other vents an increasing fury and Satan has succeeded in his mission. This is not an issue between two men; this is an issue of Satan against all men.

This is a well-known and often repeated scenario. Even when one is sure that his viewpoint is above reproach, and a common understanding and tolerance is not forth coming, Satan uses this situation to stir up aggression on both sides. The man in the “right” feels oppressed and often oppresses in return. With firm but soft words, ignore Satan’s trap and refuse further discussion.

There are times when in the search for harmony, one must use “assertive humility”. God does not want anyone to be molested by Satan unjustly. When the pure in heart are attacked by a self-righteous man from a different realm, religious or otherwise, concerning the interpretation of a controversial topic, then in an effort to justify himself before God, that man may attempt to impose his will with a bigoted, supercilious attack. If a God-fearing man tries to control another by mixing God’s word with Satan’s aggression for control of the situation, he deludes himself. Although the scripture that is used may be faultless, the aggression comes from Satan. He has succeeded in his plan to stir up dissent and discredit God.

We have all run into these religious fanatics at one time or another. They abound on television in “revivals”, and there is literature that has been given to us by their followers, our friends or relatives. How should we react? Should we “tell them off”, rudely ignore them, return the religious aggression, criticize their views with a strong review of our own self-righteous ones?

No, we politely listen to see if they be of God or of men; we do not need to capitulate to their message without deep thought, nor should we fear to hear what they say. We know who we are and what we believe. We do not want to “offend in His name” as they may be doing; this is our chance to witness with the demeanor of quiet love and move on. If they continue to push, a quiet assertion of our position is needed. Without hurting feelings, or attacking in like manner, a smile and a change of subject are due. Take no personal offense at their position, or of their attack on yours. It may take a few repeats of this humble, matter-of-fact and firm assertion, so do not be caught up in new discussions. A quiet, selfless assertiveness along with a refusal of further discussion puts Satan in his place. A fire needs fuel to burn. Pity them, Satan uses their own self-righteous esteem against them; he tells them in their heart that they can justify themselves by rudely pushing their religious beliefs upon others. Only Satan instigates pressure. God acts by offering love.

If God wants you to expand His knowledge or directing love, He will put it in front of you to do so. He will lead you to those who need it and present an opening for you. Always be ready, available to the gentle and loving voice of God. Recognize all the opportunities that unfold around you to witness for Him. It will not make you improve your position with God if you make the decisions as to who should be approached and how hard you should push someone for his own good in the direction you think he needs to go. You are not doing this for God, but your own ego, to show God how good you are in working so hard for Him. Pressure and control in another’s life is not His will for you. Satan pushes, God leads.

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