When men lose consciousness or are asleep, there are still two separate states of consciousness awake and in working order. They are the Sub C and the Super C. These are the abbreviations we are using for the Subconscious state of man and his Super-conscious state. We will cover the qualities of a man’s unconscious self as well as his Conscious self. We refer to the latter as C.
Each separate state of consciousness has three main qualities. The C contains: one, the Growth Urge; two, the Ability to Reason; and three, the Privilege of Choice.
The Sub C is a guardian of the human Conscious. It cares for three parts: the Physical, Mental, and Emotional well-being of the individual human.
The third state of man’s consciousness is that part created in the likeness of God. This is the most important part of man. It is his Superior Conscious state referred to as Super C. It sees to the well being of man’s immortal soul.
We will examine the three above activities of the C state in more detail. They encompass the whole man.
These three states of knowledge are with us from birth. The Growth Urge is evident in the tiny babe. It is the urge to observe and explore the world about it. It is the desire to experience and experiment, to orchestrate its wants and dissatisfactions to others. This Urge follows us throughout life, only our desires and the expression of them change.
The Ability to Reason develops as we grow and add data gained from our encounter with our Growth experiences. We make decisions as to what is good or bad in life according to what we enjoy or do not like as a result of these experiences. Every C decision remains a part of us.
The third and most important part of our voluntary C state is our Privilege of Choice. With our Urge propelling us into experiences where the need to make decisions is important, we need to rely upon the Reason that we have developed. The small every day choices make up our character and tell us who we are. God has given us all the necessary equipment to explore and to reason and now, to choose immortality for ourselves. If we have chosen the excesses of the world and reject with faulty reason the existence of God, we choose instead as our goal the decadent life without God.
The part of yourself we call Sub C is always working. It is your acting guide through life. It is your protector, watch-dog, loving mother and indulgent self. It is your consoling, helpful advisor. It wants nothing more than to make you happy, healthy, and mentally alert. It stores up everything that has ever happened to you. It knows what you like and dislike. It regurgitates memories and feelings from the past according to the present situation. It has no reason of its own, so it acts on the reason stored from the past. All past choices, memories, observations, hearsay, experiences, decisions, deductions and anything that has ever happened to you, or that you have seen or experienced is there. It is you, and anything that makes you joyful or sad makes it that way too. Its persona is built on your past. It acts accordingly. Not only does it care for your mental and emotional health, but for your physical self as well. The food, drink, drugs, acts and thoughts that you have told it were good or enjoyable, it craves. Exercise and physical activity it seeks or rejects according to what you have programmed it to do. If you get feedback from being sick, it will make you sick. If you are exposed to a germ, allergen, or bug, it sets up the proper response. It does the best that it can with the body and nervous system it has to work with, along with the mentality that you have developed from your past choices and resolves.
We come now to the spiritual side of man. This is God within man, the part of God that is created in the image of God and placed in his man creature. It is eternal and will never die unless man himself annihilates it by rejecting the existence of God. This is man’s Super C. Like unto God, it has the three components of God: one, Creator; two, Word; and three, Spiritual movement. For a more detailed account of this wonder please see another chapter entitled “Three Aspects of the Super C”. A quick summary shows we have all God’s attributes within us subject to His guardianship.
Our arts, inventions, talents, music, poetry, prose all come from man’s spirit (Super C). These attributes and creations are for the renewed beauty and appreciation of the world. Others enjoy them as they do God’s nature creation.
The next attribute we have in the image of God is the Word. This is the way that God talks to man and man talks to God. Prayer is a small part only. There is communication going on all around us as God talks to us through books, newspapers, television and other people. God used his Word to build worlds and preserve them. We can communicate from one generation unto the next by using the Word given to man. As with our ability to Create and appreciate, this ability to communicate with others is eternal and goes with us into immortality.
The last attribute is the Perfect Spirit. It is the acting part of God in us. It acts to comfort and reassure us or protect us from Satan. It fulfills our emotions and can lift us with ecstasy. It directs answers to any spiritual question we ask. We can feel it working within us. It moves us to make good choices. With it we make the decisive Choice; to follow God into eternity.