Now that you have reached your Sub C through self-hypnosis, you see the potential power that you carry within yourself. Now the time is ready for two-way communication. You speak to your Sub C just as before.
Explain to it that you will use your fingers to represent the answers, “Yes” and “No”. Designate which finger is to be “Yes”, and which one is to be “No”. In answer to any correctly stated question, your Sub C is to answer you by lifting the proper corresponding finger. There can be other signals used, such as the pendulum or head moving for example. Here we will use the finger signals as that is the most simple and sure action for the beginner.
Designate to your Sub C a specific finger to be lifted up from its resting surface, to signify a “yes” answer and another finger to be raised in a “No”. Use the same hand that you used in the previous experiment, it may make you more confident; but do not rule out the other hand, or one of the other responses, because if you are aware of these, so is your Sub C, and it may find it easier to express itself in an alternative way. This is rare, so for this trial we will use the “finger” expression. If you have had suggestions from your Sub C that it may prefer a different way, ask it to go along with this way for this time, and later you will switch to whatever it wants to do. (Don’t forget at a later time to ask if it wants to switch, as you have now promised and your Sub C will not forget your promise.) Sometimes a very shy, fearful and reticent Sub C will prefer the Pendulum as that takes less effort.
Be sure that you are thoroughly relaxed. Mentally try to recapture in your body that euphoria that you felt previously when your hand touched your face. You should be reclining in the same peaceful manner as before with your hands relaxed and resting, palm down, on a smooth, flat surface. If your Sub C is very fearful, it may try to hide in sleep. If this is the case, sit upright in an arm chair and follow this same procedure.
You may need to try the old trick of counting backward if you are having trouble recreating the feeling of floating euphoria that you experienced before. When you arrive at the uplifted state of easy concentration, renew the loving camaraderie you felt previously with your Sub C. Again give it the reassurance it needs, explain what you want of it, and how this will benefit both of you. Be clear and concise, but caring. Tell it you plan on asking questions from it, and you want it to answer “yes” or “no” to these questions. Often use repetition to reinforce your request.
Designate which finger you want it to raise if the answer to that question is to be “yes”. Raise that finger from its resting place as you talk and hold it up while you feel the sensation within that finger. In this test, let us use the middle finger of the chosen hand to simulate a “yes” answer. Now raise your pointer finger in the same way and designate it as the “no” answer. For clarity, repeat this procedure. Raise each finger very slowly and then allow it to drop back in place again without disturbing the resting hand. Repeat to your Sub C that you will give it no C help, so it is all up to him to give the answer to the question that you are asking. Now that you are sure that your signals have been set up and understood, you may proceed.
Your Sub C will ALWAYS answer true. Be sure that your question is clearly put and in the proper realm. You may ask anything pertaining to your physical, mental or emotional state as long as this question does not interfere with your stability. Your Sub C has been given charge over you to help in all these life categories. It has total memory of your infancy as well as anything that you have ever experienced, heard, seen, or done. Every decision you have made, the logic you use, the desires you have felt, even the things that went on around you that you were not consciously aware of; this is all stored in its memory banks for it to regurgitate in thought patterns to you, appropriate for the occasion. It has been colored and shaped by your C self, with the choices you have made and the ideas you have accumulated. You build your personality on the foundation within as you grow through life.
The one reason that it may not answer you is that this subject may affect your stability. We have all heard about Trauma. In many lives there have been things that have been so fracturing to the psyche that the Sub C has buried them deeply, and refuses to bring them to the surface, as they have not been resolved and will cause intense pain and suffering to you if they are revealed. Your Sub C, being you, suffers along with you; it feels what you feel in every facet. It does not want you to undergo this, nor does it want to experience it along with you. If you are not getting an answer and think this may be a possibility, ask first for permission to ask the question. If you are not given permission, then designate a third finger to act as a “it is not for you to know at this time” answer. You now may skirt the issue until such time as you convince your Sub C that you are ready and can take the knowledge without undue pain to you both. Mere curiosity is not enough reason to unveil what you are being protected from. There must be a good reason to convince your Sub C to expose its knowledge. You may ask if God wants you to know.
To be understood, the question must be thoroughly clear. For example, if you ask “Is my name Bill Smith?” and get “no” answer, or a confused one, qualify your question to (a) “Is the name on my birth certificate William James Smith?” or (b) “Do my friends call me “Bill Smith?” Either of these should receive a definite “yes”. If you still get a “no” to question (a) then look at the certificate itself. It may say William James Doe Smith, or is spelled Smythe. To make sure that a question is perfectly clear, ask it in several different ways, always being sure to speak the words clearly and distinctly to yourself. Don’t ever imply, or use an “oh you know what I mean” type of question. Be careful that you do not use qualifying questions. Questions must be clear and simply put. For example, a qualifying question could be “Is he my best friend?” rather try, “Does he think he is my best friend?” or “Should I consider him my best friend?” or “Do others consider him my best friend?” or “Should I act like he is my best friend ?”
As we know, the Sub C will always answer true because it knows everything that has ever happened to you, books you have read, what you thought about them, any decisions you made about what you read and how this affects your life. It knows the state of your physical health. It knows your emotional hang-ups. It has total recall of all acts and experiences that have formed your thinking and all the reasoning that you underwent to arrive at the conclusions you hold. All these facts that you believe, may not be actual truth. Be clear when you ask for a true answer. Your Sub C has stored your logic and will return it to you because of your past choices. Ideas on Ecology, Segregation, Politics, and other issues in this genre are not absolute and cannot be answered except under your own previous stored decisions. If you want “true” it must be in an absolute religious sense. Otherwise, remember our Birth Certificate example; what may be true in one sense, may not be true in another.
That does not mean that the Sub C does not give good advice. It gives the best possible advice for you; but more on that later. Now we are getting the fingers working smoothly so that we may move forward toward using them in our esthetical fulfillment. We have three designated fingers: pointer for “No”, and middle for “Yes”, and possibly the little finger for the “Don’t Ask Now” answer. Now we want to have a “trial run”. Review with yourself what each finger you are using signifies. Raise each one slowly, letting it drop while repeating what it is for. Tell your Sub C what you want it to do next. Use repetition. Start with the middle “Yes” finger and concentrate upon it. Tell it to rise as it wills when it gives you a “yes” answer. You will talk it up. First your finger will have a floating sort of numbness, and then as you speak to it, a state of awareness enfolds it. Tell it to expect a little tingle or feeling of fullness, or a tiny throb. The remainder of your hand may feel stiff or rigid, but don’t fight this. Just tell your “Yes” finger to relax and continue to lift. It only needs to lift enough for you to be sure it is up. Later, or maybe even today, it will jump high, jerking the hand with it. As it starts now, your hand may arch a bit as your Sub C enters it. As your finger prepares to start the lift it may tremble, bounce a little on its ball, or jerk. Keep concentrating on it and talking to it and soon you will be aware that it no longer feels contact with the surface; and as you continue to talk you may look and see the finger has raised high enough to see it is up. Allow the finger to drop back down, and start the same procedure with the next finger. Be sure to talk it up to a high enough level that is indisputable. Thank your Sub C sincerely after each success.
You may try these “dry run” exercises a few more times if you wish to be sure they
work smoothly. If you are tiring, wait until another day to continue. If you have had easy and rapid success, you are ready to try out the questioning. Start out by asking questions to which you are sure you know the answers. Elicit both “Yes” and
“No” answers. You may ask a question that you do not know, but one that is easily verifiable. You will receive answers to any question that concerns the state of your being in this present time, or in your past, but they must be answerable by “yes” or “no”. Never ask about future events, but more on that later. You may ask for advice as to your actions or directions for the future, but no “fortune telling”. Later, if you develop a serving inner voice, you may ask more detailed questions. That is in a later advanced exercise where the Super C can be reached through the Sub C.
Your Sub C is a best-friend and pal. It goes with you everywhere. You can discuss anything with it. It is always ready with advice. You know the questions to ask; keep asking until you get a “yes” answer. Most questions are of the “should I” or “should I not” type; never the “will I” type which is the “fortune telling” kind. For many physiological or business problems, it is best to get as much information as possible so that your questions will be informed. Whether you have important life decisions or small ones (like what to wear), your Sub C knows best. It will always give you the very best advice possible.