CHAPTER 3, ESSAY 3- Ultra Consciousness through Self-hypnosis

The state of Ultra Consciousness for which we aim, is sometimes discovered in Transcendental Meditation.  It may also be reached in several other ways.  One of the easiest and quickest ways to arrive at this state of Ultra Consciousness is through self-hypnosis.  U C (Ultra Consciousness) is achieved through using the Super-Conscious state of man.  This is one of man’s three Conscious states.   The two unconscious states man carries along with his Conscious state are the Sub-Conscious and Super-Conscious.  For more rapid reading in this discussion, they shall be referred to as the Super C, Sub C, and C.

To reach his own Super C, one must, with C endeavor, by-pass his sensual Sub C.  This is done through the same mental discipline used in self-hypnosis.  This mental discipline can also be learned through the use of Yoga, where the mind becomes disciplined while teaching the body discipline. (Here the esthetical mind is reached through the conscious and sub-conscious use of the body.)  In self-hypnosis, the Super C is reached almost immediately, and development of the Sub C mind-body follows.  Man’s C leads him directly to his Super C with his own decision to do so.

Two sessions, 20 minutes each, could accomplish this.  Before you start, you must be aware of three things necessary for success:

            1. You need to have a normal to high intellect; the higher the intellect, the quicker the mental discipline is achieved over distracting thoughts.

            2. You must have patience with your own Sub C self.  It is reticent and unsure of how it will be treated if it appears, for it is capable of suffering deeply.  Don’t blame it if it is shy about appearing at first.  Reassure it that you will be gentle and progress no faster than it agrees to go.  (Don’t ever forget your promise and push it too fast when you “reach” or it may become fearful to respond.)

            3. Besides normal intelligence and patience, uninterrupted time is needed. This time should be in a cozy place without surrounding distractions.  One may lean back in a comfortable chair with feet on a stool and hands on the chair arms or otherwise in a very relaxed and comfortable position.  What may be best is to stretch out on a chaise recliner, or bed with a small flat pillow or no pillow at all.  The time that you choose should be a time when you are well rested and free from all distracting bodily hungers.  Try to find a time when you have no pressing problems or anxieties.  (Don’t be surprised if your Sub C tries to hide from you by putting you to sleep!)

Have you complied with the above three things?  Take a deep breath and relax; now you are ready for the three steps into self-hypnosis. 

First, let’s “shift gears”.  Start by removing all bodily tensions and body consciousness.   You will be conscious of only your mind and its channeling.  Direct your thought to your toes and work upwards.  Relax your toes completely, each muscle, as you go, working up to the arch, the heel, and then the ankle.  If you are not sure that the working muscle is thoroughly relaxed, deliberately tighten that muscle, hold, and then relax it until you are sure it is totally relaxed.  Continue with every muscle all the way up your body until you reach the face and scalp, ears and back of neck.  Don’t forget any muscle group.   Be sure to relax the tongue and inner cheeks.  Now check to be sure everything is still in a very relaxed state.  You may find a muscle that you missed.  Your breathing should have slowed down.  Breathe deeply several times and let your breathing run down.  Think of how relaxed you are, and how wonderful it feels.  Lay there and enjoy the tranquility.  You may feel very light, like you are floating, or maybe spinning slowly in vast softness.  Enjoy yourself.  You are ready for step two.

The inner “you” needs mental reassurance to keep your motor running smoothly.  Your C must supply this to your Sub C if you are to get off the ground.  Talk to your Sub C as you would to a small child who is afraid of the dark.  It hears everything that you say to it.  Call it by name, and explain away any fears it may have regarding this procedure.  Tell it what you are trying to do and what you expect from it.  Assure it that it will not be hurt or exploited.  Tell it that you will not force it to do anything that it does not want to do, and you always will be in complete control of every bodily or mental function and can immediately react if any emergency should arise.  Convince it that only GOOD can come from this venture, and build up a desire to “Go”.  This will bring you closer together in understanding.  Now on to step three.

Now you are ready to lift-off.  If you have come this far, there is nothing to stop you now.  Keep your mind under control and free from distracting thoughts or ideas.  Be intent on one goal:  contact with your own Sub C.  This first session you only seek to contact it; next session, it will contact you.  In this session, you will give it orders and it will obey you.  Next session you will speak to it and it will speak back.  You will be really flying then, and all space will be yours to enjoy as long as you stay with your desire to learn.

You will move your Sub C by association and suggestion.  Think of the times that you lost perception of your bodily presence while lost in some consuming or esthetical enjoyment, such as classical music, poetry, or a really good book or intellectual pursuit.   Have you ever lost yourself while contemplating a work of art that spoke to you?  Have you been lifted out of reality by a poem or idea so far that you lost all sense of time or where you were?  You were in an altered state of C.  If you have become so absorbed in studying, reading a book, or watching a play or television, you have already experienced self-hypnosis.  Associate the mental sphere you dwelt in at that time with the mental state you now want to achieve.  By C effort, now try to enter and assimilate that remembered state.  Don’t allow your body to tense; if you note this starting to happen, go through the Relaxing Procedure again.

Now suggest to your Sub C a simple act.  Tell it that you are going to let it act all on its own.  Assure it that your C will be there helping it all the way through by directing thought, but that is all.  Your C will not interfere with any conscious thought command to your body, nor will it resist any movement that the Sub C will make.  A simple act often used, and one I would like for you to try, is for you to request from your Sub C that your left hand (which should be lying relaxed at your side ) should reach up and touch your face involuntarily.  If you are left-handed, then ask that your right hand be used, as that hand is less under conscious control.  The reason the face is to be touched is because it is very sensitive, and it is easy to feel the touch if your eyes have closed.  If, when you begin the suggestions, the other hand stirs, and begins to respond, let it do that and change your suggestions to that hand, or let both hands respond together.  One may drop out later, or not.  Your Sub C is an individual and has a right to act on its own, just as you do.  You never have anything to fear from it though, as it is you and wants only what is good for you.

Be patient now.  Don’t use will-force.  Simply allow your Sub C to move at its own pace. The “touch” will occur.  Just be sure that you don‘t deliberately stop it, or turn it back when it starts to happen, thinking that you have inadvertently used conscious command.  This is a common mistake.

At this point mature mental discipline is important for a rewarding success.  If concentrating on what you say to your Sub C interferes with your relaxation and you become tense, just try again, or wait until another day.  It would be also satisfactory if you would write your own suggestions out, or use mine and read them to yourself as you proceed.  Also they could be read into a tape recorder and then be played back to you.  Speak, read, or think slowly and clearly and at an even pace.

When you are ready to start the suggestions, you should be in a detached state.   If your attempt at associations is not producing a feeling of lightness, then picture yourself as sinking peacefully into a soft fluffy bed, or floating on an air mattress out into a pond,  or rising up on a helium filled cloud, up, up, up, and higher.  What ever imaginary thing you decide to use, always picture yourself as rising further or deeper into this lovely, peaceful and soothing hypnosis.  Count aloud backwards telling yourself that you are going to be in deeper hypnosis when you arrive at number 1.  Do this again and again until you really feel that you are floating.  As you proceed with your talk to yourself, whenever you feel that you are slipping out of communication, do this again.  Shut out all interfering thoughts, any doubts that may arise, and ignore or quiet any noise that causes distraction.  Concentrate only on the thoughts that you are assimilating.

I will proceed by writing in the first person as if you were speaking to yourself.  I will give only a skeleton outline for you to follow.  It will take time and repetition along the same line as what is written here for you to get the required result.


How comfortable I am.  How peaceful, how restful, how beautiful I feel.  I am floating higher toward a distant light (haze or shadow or whatever you like) rising up, up I go.  My eyes are going out of focus, a mist enfolds me.  I feel like I want to take a deep breath.  Oh!  That relaxes me more.  I float up more and more, always up and onward toward that distant hazy light.  How beautiful this relaxed feeling is.  I float up and up.  (Count backward now and whenever you wish to do so.)  I always feel so good when I come to number 1; more relaxed, deeper into hypnosis.  This is such a wonderful feeling, I am so glad to be here floating.

My eyelids are getting heavy.  I won’t be able to hold my eyes open wide much longer.  As I float, my eyelids blink a little.  This means that I am well on the way.  I count backwards now and when I reach number 1 my eyes will be so heavy they will want to close.  I feel them flicker.  Now they want to relax.  Soon the fluttering will occur less and less as I become higher and farther into hypnosis.  I do not fear this state that I am entering.  I know that I will neither loose my consciousness nor my volition to act.  The second that I will it, I can be up and functioning at full capacity.  But now I just want to feel this floating; I am so relaxed.  I love to be floating like this.  (Feel it, breathe deeply and relax again and let that languid feeling take you over completely.)

Your body is heavy with a drowsy feeling.  Give it over to the keeping of your Sub C.  You no longer want to move it, so just let yourself go, your body is getting so very heavy.  First, one leg is heavy.  Now my other leg is getting heavy.  My arms don’t want to be bothered to move.  My body seems to be in sleep.  Only my mind is aware.  I sense my body as a thing apart.  My breathing has changed.  I now breathe as if in sleep.  My Sub C is now in control, caring for my body.  It is a good master.  It only wants what is good for me.  It is now draining away all the frustrations of life in this sweet repose.  I feel all cares going out of me. They are nameless and I don’t care about thinking about them now.  It is so peaceful just relaxing in this lovely floating state.  Life’s tensions are gone.  They are buried in my Sub C and are well cared for, but for now, he is letting me rest and regroup while he takes over the healing care and movement of my body.  Now I have chosen to remain aware while he takes over.  I want to get to know him, this other side of myself, for he is “Me” just as much as I am “Me” in my conscious life.

I want to reach-out to him.  I want to contact him in love.  He need never be locked up alone inside of me again.  We can be such close friends, as with no other, for we are identical in knowledge and desires.  I want him to let me know he exists.  I cannot hide a thought or an emotion from him.  He knows all my conscious thoughts; for doesn’t he give me a continuous feed-back?  I want him to show me he can act on his own, directing my body just as my C does.  That is why I am going to ask him to pick up my hand and touch my face with it.  Then I will know, without a doubt, that he will be able to respond to me and that he can and will answer any question I may rightly ask of him.

I am very sincere and caring in my feeling toward him. As I feel my love and tenderness toward him, this does not interfere with my relaxed floating.  This feeling, if anything, is giving me a little inner thrill as I go up, up, and along the way to deeper hypnosis.  Dear Sub C, I love you and will not injure your feelings in any way.  Count back from ten slowly as you feel your caring kinship with your inner self unfold.

Now as to a shy, frightened small child, speak to him.  “You know what I am trying to do and why, don’t you, Sub C?  I want you to lift my left hand and have it touch my face.”   Show me that you can move it on your own. As I count backward from 10, very slowly, I will float deeper into hypnosis; and as I go, my arm will become lighter and lighter.  It was so heavy, so very heavy; I didn’t want to lift it up.  But now it is becoming so light it feels like it’s not there at all, while the rest of my body feels glued down.  Maybe my Sub C would rather use my other arm; maybe it is the one that is getting lighter.  (Repeat countdown again and review the light feeling of one arm, or maybe both arms.)   All strength has left this arm.  It seems to be existing all on its own.  Soon it will leave its resting place and float upwards as if starting to lift.  It’s getting still, as I count backwards again, I will concentrate on this hand; my fingers and hand are sensitive and may tingle a little.   My hand may jerk also, or the fingers move a little.  I feel the pull on my hand to lift (count down).   My hand is starting to lift:  I feel it.  It is starting to rise toward my face.  “Come Sub C, you are doing fine:  my hand will touch my face, I know it.”  My hand is starting to rise, to float upward.  All by itself it will find my face and I will feel its touch. This is going to be weird.  I can imagine the touch.  With no conscious effort on my part, my hand is lifting (count down, if needed).  It is going up, up, up, higher, higher.  I exert no conscious control upon this hand.  By itself alone it lifts.  The hand and the arm above it are losing all weight.  I am exerting no strength, yet my arm and hand are lifting.  Is my elbow bending?  Yes, as my arm and hand lift, the elbow will bend as needed.  My hand is floating toward my face.  I don’t know how far it has progressed, but I know it is on the way now.  I will continue to talk it there until I feel the actual touch that tells me it has arrived.  I wonder where the fingers will touch.  Will it be my nose?  I wonder how that will feel.  My arm is lifting more and more.  It feels so light.  There is no support for it, yet it feels no effort, it is lifting higher and higher all on its own.  I wonder how high it will go.  Will it change directions or go right to my face?  I wonder if it will hit a cheek or my forehead.  It moves faster now, as it is well on its way.  I must not get excited or impatient.  I must keep my “cool”.  I will count backwards again and as my hand rises, I will go deeper into hypnosis.  I know now it will do it.   Patience and an unhurried tempo will do it.  It is so very high now; I know it will soon touch.  I wonder where?  (Imagine the feel of the hand touching your face at different spots.  Count down.)

My hand is reaching out now.  The level of the wrist is changing.  It is heading for my face.  When it touches, I will let it do as it pleases.  If it wants to rest there, I will let it.  I feel so good, so tranquil, so beautiful and completed.  I know that the future can be ours, my Sub C and my C self.  If it has not touched yet, it will continue until it does.  Keep on counting down.

 Before I command my C self to take over again, I will give me a post-hypnotic suggestion.  I will arise now, refreshed, relaxed, and enthralled by what has just occurred; and I will make definite plans to talk with my Sub C in the near future.  Thank it for its cooperation and tell it how thrilled you are to be in contact with it.  Tell it how much you look forward to being in contact with it again.  Say the things to it that you would like to have someone say to you to thank you and make you want to resume a close association.  It is you, so it reacts just as your C self would react.  It will be simple and rapid now that your two selves have made conscious contact.


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